

From Empathy to Impact - A Dignity & Belonging Journey


CLIENT OBJECTIVE:  Build an internal working environment that fosters dignity and belonging for everyone at all levels.

SOLUTION: Create an employee experience that would serve as a change agent in the areas of inequity, inclusion, diversity, and belonging among teams and individuals. Because of the history and complexity of these topics, in my mind, creating real and lasting change could only be thought of as a journey. The solution was to develop a self-guided, sequential deck of 50 cards that guides users through a series of exercises designed to challenge and promote individual growth – no matter how uncomfortable.


The experience is built as a guided approach, there is an intentional order which this deck is engaged with - starting with Foundation. Card activities are timed.

Foundation – Users start here to frame their mindset and return as often as it is helpful. 

Awareness – Take and keep inventory of all parts of who users are - and to use that mindfulness to extend to others, specifically those who aren’t experiencing equity.

Awakening – Users look back on the events of the past and present and investigate their own unconscious biases and the role they play in perpetuating the problem for coworkers.

Activation – Users will practice taking part in combatting racism each day and commit to continuous growth and learning in this lifelong journey.


Throughout each level users encounter four types of cards that will indicate what to expect from the information presented.

Compass consists of methods, material, and topics to provide guidance, education, and modeling on one’s dignity and belonging journey.

Communicator will build empathy by centering & amplifying the voices of those impacted by systemic racism through quotes, stories, definitions, and data points.

Pulse will help to gauge the current state of dignity and belonging – how it applies to users through self-reflections, inventories, and surveys.

Practice cards will prompt users to be the change that is needed on this journey through intentional action.


  • Brand Activations

  • User Experience (UX)

  • Print communications